
Field Coordinator

Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers

Carbondale, Colorado

Job Type Temporary
Salary Details $23-26/hour
Required Experience 2 - 6 years

The Field Coordinator is responsible for assisting with the coordination and implementation of RFOV’s field-based stewardship, volunteer programs, and Trail Crew program. This position requires excellent planning and leadership skills; independence and accountability in decision-making; organizational skills in logistics and time management; building positive relationships with project partners, volunteers, and students; and a proven ability to educate, lead, and motivate people in backcountry and front-country settings. This position is 20% administrative and 80% field-based during the project season (April-October).

For more information, visit www.rfov.org/careers


Send a resume, cover letter, and contact information for three professional references to: Jack Douglas, Program Manager by email at jdouglas@rfov.org . Phone and email questions and inquiries acceptable:jdouglas@rfov.org,  970-927-8241.

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Admin & Leadership, General / Stewardship, Outdoor Recreation
Tags Trail Maintenance