Field Technician
Harvard Forest
Petersham, Massachusetts
The Matthes Lab at Harvard Forest is hiring a 13-week temporary, full-time research technician for Summer 2025. The technician will be based at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, MA. The person in this position will collect a range of field data associated with long-term ecological research projects including tree growth, leaf area index, soil carbon dioxide and methane emissions, and stream biogeochemistry. The technician must have close attention to detail and be willing to work outdoors for up to 7 hours per day in the summer weather conditions of New England that include biting insects and high humidity. Prior experience collecting scientific field data is required, and applicants must have prior experience working full days outdoors.
The preferred start date is 4/28/25 and the position is limited to 35 hours/week for a duration of 13 weeks. Pay is $20/hour, and housing at Harvard Forest (including all utilities and laundry) for the 13-week duration is included.
For more information visit the Harvard Forest employment page.
To apply, please submit a short cover letter and resume with contact information for two references to Subject line: Matthes Temp Field Tech
Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.
When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.
Category | Ecology, Forestry |
Tags | Soil Science |