
Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty: Environmental Science and Studies/Plant Biology

Quinnipiac University

Hamden, Connecticut

Job Type Permanent
Salary Details Based on experience

Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty: Environmental Science and Studies/Plant Biology

Full job listing


  • Teach courses to meet departmental and programmatic needs (e.g. introductory environmental science, botany or upper-level electives in plant science). The standard teaching load for tenure-track faculty is 3 courses (9 credits) per semester
  • Integrate engaging, inclusive, and innovative pedagogies and experiences to enhance student learning and engagement
  • Actively participate in undergraduate and/or master’s student research training and mentoring
  • Maintain an active research program that will engage students and lead to scholarly presentations and publications
  • Demonstrate a willingness to communicate information about their area of expertise with the public
  • Advise and mentor undergraduate or graduate students
  • Foster an inclusive environment and contribute to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Quinnipiac University and within the Department
  • Engage in appropriate departmental, college, university, professional, and/or public service as relevant to the position.
  • Teach courses to meet departmental and programmatic needs (e.g. introductory environmental science, botany or upper-level electives in plant science). The standard teaching load for tenure-track faculty is 3 courses (9 credits) per semester
  • Integrate engaging, inclusive, and innovative pedagogies and experiences to enhance student learning and engagement
  • Actively participate in undergraduate and/or master’s student research training and mentoring
  • Maintain an active research program that will engage students and lead to scholarly presentations and publications
  • Demonstrate a willingness to communicate information about their area of expertise with the public
  • Advise and mentor undergraduate or graduate students
  • Foster an inclusive environment and contribute to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at Quinnipiac University and within the Department
  • Engage in appropriate departmental, college, university, professional, and/or public service as relevant to the position.

Full job listing 


Applications must be submitted electronically and include:

  • Cover letter that addresses the following:
    1. qualifications for the position
    2. Approach to instruction and equity-minded teaching practices
    3. Experience and approach to working both independently and with teams
  • C.V.
  • Research plan, including how the candidate will involve students (4 page maximum)
  • Names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of three professional references who will not be contacted without the candidate’s prior approval.

Priority given to applications received by October 11, 2024

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Botany