
Great Lakes Project Coordinator

Trout Unlimited

Ashland, Wisconsin

Job Type Permanent
Salary Details 47,000
Required Experience 0 - 1 years

Since 2016, our Northern Wisconsin Great Lakes Team has worked with partners to restore and reconnect over 200 miles of coldwater habitat for native and wild trout. The impact of our work expands to human communities by promoting flood and climate resiliency through smart infrastructure and restored stream function. As our program has grown an emerging need to protect and restore high quality coldwater habitat and promote flood and climate resiliency in the Lake Superior basin has emerged. The Great Lakes Project Coordinator position will fill a vital need in our program to provide funding and technical assistance for coldwater conservation projects in the Lake Superior basin.

The Great Lakes Project Coordinator will work with the Great Lakes Stream Restoration Manager engaging with partners to advance coldwater conservation in accordance with TU’s Strategic Plan and Priority Waters in Northwest Wisconsin’s Lake Superior Watershed. This will include completing road-stream crossing aquatic organism passage (AOP) inventories, collecting survey data for in-stream restoration and habitat reconnection projects, engaging and facilitating partnerships, and carrying-out monitoring requirements at project sites in northern Wisconsin. The Coordinator will also assist the Great Lakes Stream Restoration Manager and Stream Restoration Specialist with similar project responsibilities in Northeast Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan watersheds. Other responsibilities include overseeing seasonal interns, assisting with fish and habitat surveys, assisting with planning habitat restoration projects, assisting with grant writing and management, assisting with budget tracking and administration, helping to compile project reports, meeting with local, state, and federal agency representatives, coordinating efforts with projects partners, and serving as a liaison to stakeholders and the community at large. The position will be based in northwest Wisconsin with the exact location being negotiable.


To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter here: https://recruiting.paylocity.com/Recruiting/Jobs/Details/2686360 

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Admin & Leadership, Hydrology, Restoration