
Southeastern Wildlife Forester

Wiregrass Ecological Associates

Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Job Type Permanent
Salary Salary commensurate with experience.
Benefits Benefits include Personally Assigned Vehicle, Health Insurance, Paid Holidays, Vacation Time, Sick Leave, Parental Leave, Bonus-eligible, Retirement, and Training.
Deadline Apr 11, 2025

Wiregrass Ecological Associates (WEA) is seeking qualified candidates for a full-time biologist position in Mississippi, Arkansas or Louisiana.  During a portion of the year this position will be focused primarily on assisting WEA biologists with nest monitoring, cavity installation, cavity maintenance, and other aspects of red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) management. In addition to RCW-related tasks, this position will include assisting fellow team members in other projects including lake and pond management, gopher tortoise relocation and other threatened and endangered species management. The position will also work alongside company foresters assisting with forestry-related activities. These wildlife and forestry duties may include data collection, habitat restoration efforts, and conducting oversite administration. We are looking for candidates who possess a high level of intrinsic motivation and demonstrate excellent analytical skills. An ideal applicant should be flexible and adaptive to changing conditions and challenges in the field. The ability to work effectively within a team-oriented environment is essential for success in this position, as collaboration and communication are key to achieving our conservation goals. If you are passionate about wildlife conservation, eager to learn other practices, and have the qualifications we seek, we encourage you to apply.

Primary Duties:

  • Conduct nest checks on RCW groups.
  • Maintain banding schedules and band nestlings at appropriate ages.
  • Develop habitat management recommendations for RCW foraging areas.
  • Conduct surveys in areas believed to contain RCW groups.
  • Install artificial cavity inserts in new and existing RCW clusters.
  • Assist in the resighting of color-banded adults and sub-adults.
  • Assist in the capture and transport adult and sub-adult RCWs during translocation efforts.
  • Assist biologists with lake management duties including fertilization, lime application, herbicide application, electro-surveys and stocking.
  • Assist biologists in various management activities associated with other T&E species.
  • Implementing a variety of silvicultural and ecological management practices designed to meet conservation objectives.
  • Conduct herbicide treatments of invasive/undesirable species, aiming to promote the health of the forest and reduce competition.
  • Provide administrative oversight to contractors (timber sales, hand crews, road work, site preparations)
  • Ensure timely and accurate monthly administrative and financial obligation actions including invoicing and reporting efforts.


  • Bachelor's degree or higher in wildlife science and/or forestry from an accredited university.
  • Minimum 3 years of practical wildlife experience is preferred.
  • An understanding of southeastern habitat management, and wildlife biology is required.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience with the flora, fauna, and forested ecosystems of the Southeast, is required.
  • Understand basic silviculture practices and techniques.
  • Preference will be given to candidates with experience in RCW monitoring including banding, characterizing the stage, shape, and activity of RCW cavities, and installation of artificial cavities.
  • Preference will also be given to candidates with experience:
    • Conducting forest surveys, tree measurements, and identifying tree species.
    • Interpreting data collected from field surveys and using GIS software
    • In technical writings such as NEPA reporting, biological diversity reports or environmental impact assessments.
  • Applicants must be self-motivated, responsible, and have the ability to solve problems. The position requires excellent organizational skills, the capability to work independently with little direct supervision, networking and communication skills, and project management experience.
  • Applicants must have a valid driver's license and experience using and operating common forestry field equipment and ATVs.
  • Flexibility to travel (sometimes extended or frequent) to other parts of the US to assist foresters and biologists in the completion of their projects, cross-training skill development, and information exchanges within a team-oriented group.
  • Candidates must be able to work in challenging field conditions, including workable hard weather conditions, insects, wildlife, and dense brush.

Please send a cover letter, resume, and 3 references in a single document (PDF preferred) to jobs@wiregrasseco.com with the subject line: “Application for Southeastern Biologist”.

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Forestry, Wildlife
Tags GIS, Environmental Consulting, Ornithology