Natural Resource Technician
Philmont Scout Ranch
Cimarron, New Mexico
Job Type | Temporary |
Salary | $1,390 - $1,755 per month |
Benefits | Housing and meals covered by contract. |
Natural Resource Technicians assist in implementing the conservation management plan for Philmont Scout Ranch. The focus of the management plan includes work in big game habitat, rangeland monitoring, wildlife census, stream restoration, spring management, invasive species and outreach on wildlife concerns and incidents throughout the ranch. Members of this division are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism during the summer through all interactions with full time leadership, seasonal staff and participants. Majority of work to be done will be on Philmont, some other projects will occur off-site on neighboring properties.
Please apply through Philmotns online portal at when applying list Natural Resource Technician as first choice of employement.
When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.
Category | General / Stewardship, Restoration, Wildlife |
Tags | Outreach |