
Posdoctoral Researcher in Biodiversity Conservation

Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ-USP)/FAPESP

Piracicaba, Latin America

Job Type Faculty / Postdoc
Salary Details R$ 12.000,00/monthly
Deadline Mar 03, 2025
Experience 0 - 1 years

Project title: Transdisciplinarity for human-wildlife coexistence in shared and spared landscapes funded by BIOTA - FAPESP PROGRAM 

This is a one to three year fellowship opportunity, in person research, at São Paulo state of Brazil, it is expected that the candidate has experience in, at least some, of the following areas: applied ecology, conservation, human-wildlife coexistence, human ecology, citizen science and environmental education. The candidate must have a commitment to research, organization, communication and collaboration skills to thrive in an inter- and transdisciplinary research environment. Experience in transdisciplinary projects, training and capacity-building workshops, team facilitation and social research are highly desirable.

The candidate must develop the following activities: create spaces for dialogue between different actors, conduct interviews, monitor focus groups in communities, conduct and evaluate transdisciplinary processes with co-production of knowledge and investigate the barriers and gaps in the research-implementation relationship.

The candidate must have a doctorate degree obtained no more than seven years ago, in the country or abroad, and be fluent in Portuguese. The candidate must have availability to travel within São Paulo State for the obtaining of the research data. Candidates must also have developed dissertation on a theme related to ecology or biodiversity conservation. 

This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Post-Doctoral fellowship in the amount of R$ 12,000.00 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.

For more information access the detailed work plan "in portuguese": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XXaQm8s9MBA_CiojTFlN02FtbOrPbbQB/view?usp=sharing.


Candidates should send an email to katia.ferraz@usp.br with the subject “PD Transdisciplinarity for HWC”, attaching a letter of interest, curricular summary (as in the model established by the São Paulo Research Foundation-FAPESP, grantor institution) and contact.

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Ecology, General / Stewardship, Wildlife