
Raptor Care Intern

Cascades Raptor Center

Eugene, Oregon

Job Type Paid Internship
Salary $15 per hour
Benefits Housing provided
Deadline Apr 04, 2025

Duration: 12 weeks, June-September (dates flexible)
Hours per week: 40
Compensation: $15/hour, housing provided

Summary: Internships with CRC are immersive, hands-on learning opportunities. This internship splits time between the wildlife hospital and nature center. Under the guidance of our expert staff, interns will learn the ins and outs of animals care and management, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, educational program development and delivery, the application of operant learning techniques, and much more. Selection as a CRC intern is contingent upon successfully passing a background check.

See full job description here!


Visit our website www.cascadesraptorcenter.org/employment to learn more or click here to apply online!

When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.

Category Wildlife
Tags Nature Center