Restoration Project Manager
Downeast Salmon Federation
Columbia Falls, Maine
The Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) is hiring a Project Manager on a three-year contract for all aspects of the restoration of approximately 350 acres of salt marsh on the West Branch of the Pleasant River in Addison and Columbia, Maine. The project includes restoration of watershed hydrology and passage for sea-run fish. The Project Manager will report to the DSF Programs Director, while working collaboratively on a systematic basis with the Habitat Restoration Coordinator, Community Engagement Coordinator, and Land Trust Manager.
Currently, this project is in a design phase. The West Branch (WB) Project Manager would step into the role of facilitation, coordination and implementation of the WB restoration project for Downeast Salmon Federation. Among other tasks, this requires working with project representatives from multiple conservation organizations, state agencies, and local governments to help coordinate several committees and working groups that are already in existence, as well as tracking and managing grant deliverables. It also involves thinking creatively about how to facilitate a successful restoration project that has a longstanding history both within the community and between project partners. The WB restoration project is one of several restoration projects in which DSF currently has a leading role. The WB Project Manager, while leading work on the WB, will also be able to collaborate with other DSF staff working on other restoration projects in the region.
Responsibilities: The Project Manager is responsible for managing the following tasks for the duration of the contract:
- Project-specific grant application and management
- Communication with public and private partners
- Communication with relevant landowners and town governments and committees
- Land and easement acquisitions
- Management, as needed, of testing and surveys
- Saltmarsh restoration projects
Minimum Required Qualifications:
- A bachelor’s degree in a field related to environmental conservation and restoration
- Three years of experience in the management of conservation and restoration projects
- Facility in the use and development of Geographic Information System (GIS) tools
- Ability to write and communicate clearly and convincingly to multiple audiences
The Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) exists for the conservation, restoration, and protection of wild salmon and other sea-run fish; the natural habitats in which they thrive; the other wildlife associated with those water systems; and the human communities that have depended for centuries on local fish, waters, and wildlife. Established in 1982, the Downeast Salmon Federation (DSF) has served Washington County’s great river systems—the Narraguagus, the Pleasant, the Machias, the East Machias, the Dennys Rivers—from the headwaters down to the estuaries, for more than 42 years. DSF is respected at state and national levels for its expertise, its local knowledge, its robust readiness, and its principled tenacity. In recent years, at the request of regional partners, DSF has expanded its mission, southwestward along the Maine coast, to the river systems of Hancock, Waldo, and Knox Counties.
Full listing and benefits can be found here. To apply for the position, please send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for three references to by 18 March 2025.
When you apply, please indicate that you are responding to the posting on Conservation Job Board.
Category | Admin & Leadership, Hydrology, Restoration |
Tags | GIS |